Week 1: Introduction to R

using R as a calculator

R can be used as a calculator: R code or the video about simple arithmetic

introduction to vectors and recycling

We introduce vectors and recycling: R code or the video introduction to vectors and recycling

example with generating uniform random numbers; and an example why "for loops" are slow in R

We experiment with uniform random numbers and for loops: R code or the video about uniform random numbers and for loops

example with rolling dice

We experiment with rolling 100 dice at random, and using vectorized operations to study the results: R code or the video about rolling dice

example with normally distributed values

We experiment with generating some normally distributed random values,
and again we use vectorized operations to study the results: R code or the video about vectors of normally distributed values

more examples for discrete values

We mention a few more functions for discrete values: R code or the video about more functions for discrete values

dealing with NA's, ie, a missing value

We discuss how to deal with NA values in a vector: R code or the video about NA values and how to handle them

case study: seq function

A case study, looking carefully at the seq function: R code or the video about the seq function

case study: rep function

A case study, looking carefully at the rep function: R code or the video about the rep function

4 ways to index vectors

A comprehensive look at how to index vectors: R code or the video about indexing vectors

introduction to built-in data sets in R

R has some built-in data sets. We take a brief look at the co2 data, including some ways to use different ways to index this data:
R code or the video about built-in data and indexing carbon dioxide data

introduction to functions

It is straightforward to write a function: R code or the video about writing a function

data types

R has several kinds of data types:
missing values