Week 8: generating random numbers; connections with probability; simulations; regression; linear models; multiple linear regression

Examples about generating random variables with normal, continuous uniform, geometric, exponential distributions

We give examples about generating random numbers:
video and also R code

Examples about qqplots, with uniform versus normal random variables

A q-q plot is a graphical comparison of two probability distributions. We start learning about qqplots, using a comparison of uniform and normal random variables:
video and also R code

Examples about exploring a distribution (here, the Student t distribution) by comparing it to a normal distribution

We explore the Student t distribution by comparing it to the normal distribution:
video and also R code

Examples about comparing exponential distributions

We use a qqplot to compare two exponential distributions:
video and also R code

Simple linear regression

We estimate the volume of tree by using the girth, with simple linear regression:
video and also R code

Multiple linear regression

We estimate the volume of tree by using the girth and height, with multiple linear regression:
video and also R code