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Spring 2015

Agora Spring 2015 Zordani


In Her Own Words

I wasn’t fully consciously aware of time and its consequences until my mother moved up from Florida to live near me, or rather to live near the daughter she knew would take care of her, although the move was more instinctual for her than anything intentionally processed. She told people she met and the family she left in Miami that she was moving up here to help me out with stuff, forgetting that I had been living on my own for over thirty years without her help. She became a living symbol for me of the little lies we tell ourselves to get through whatever we need to do. Taking care of my mother for the now past 11 years has definitely made me see time in a more physical way, and as a result I anticipate it in a completely new way. Mostly, though, I have become more sensitive to how time shapes the mind, restructuring the past to make it more bearable, palatable. This poem was just published in Mom Egg Review (Vol. 13. 2015)

"It Doesn't End Here"