TEC 5323 Advanced Database Technology

Project 2 Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM)


This project requires you to use Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) Database Control. The EM is a part of your Oracle10g or 11g Enterprise Edition installation, which can be assessed using a web Browser such as Internet Explorer (IE). The address for Oracle 10g or 11g (up to 8/2/2011) are as follows:

http://localhost:1158/em/ (for Oracle 10g)

https://localhost:1158/em/ (for Oracle 11g)

Earlier version used port 5500 instead of 1158.

To change the account status of "HR" user, you will need to do the following:

  1. Login as SYS/password/Connect As: SYSDBA. The password is what you defined at installation.
  2. Select Administration tab.
  3. Go to Schema section (for Oracle 10g). Please note in Oracle 11g, it is under Server--Security.
  4. Select Users.
  5. Select radio button for HR user. Then, click "Edit."
  6. Change the password for HR user and select "Unlocked."
  7. Click "Apply."

Depending upon your version, the exact procedure may be different.


Submit your project report in Microsoft Word format, through WebCT. If you need instructions on how to submit, click here.

Please include the following information:

Subject: Project 2: Your Full Names

Describe the exact procedure how you have successfully unlocked the "HR" user using Oracle Enterprise Manager. Provide a screen shot for each step.


Please note: Five (5) points will be taken off if the file naming convention is not followed.

Convention for File Name: Please name your file as firstname_lastname_project2.doc, where firstname and lastname are your first and last name, respectively, and "_" is underscore. Seriously, the above convention will help the instructor's grading. Therefore, the instructor will be more generous when grading your project if you follow the convention.



At the end of this week. Please see the course schedule for exact due date.

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School of Technology
College of Business & Applied Sciences
Eastern Illinois University