TEC 5323 Advanced Database Technology

Project 5 PL/SQL Cursor For Loop


You will need to use the script "chap05.sql" for this project, in a similar way to what you have worked at the textbook.

Your task for this project is to write a simple PL/SQL program to show "ID," "firstname" and "lastname" from all rows of "customers" table. (90 points)

A header for the output including "Customer ID", "FIRST NAME" and "LAST NAME" will be required. Spacing does not have to be perfect. (10 points)



  • Use Cursor For loop.
  • Use "SQL>SAVE o:\firstname_lastname_project5.sql" to save your PL/SQL script file.



Submit your project through WebCT. If you need instructions on how to submit, click here.

Please submit your SQL script only. SQL script is in .sql format, which can be run in Oracle SQL Plus as SQL>@filepath\file.sql. For example, if your SQL script is saved as myscript.sql, then we will be able to execute it in SQL Plus as "SQL>@C:\temp\myscript.sql."

Convention for File Name: Please name your file as firstname_lastname_project5.sql, where firstname and lastname are your first and last name, respectively, and "_" is underscore.

Please note: Five (5) points will be taken off if the file convention is not followed.


At the end of this week. Please see the course schedule for exact due date.

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School of Technology
College of Business & Applied Sciences
Eastern Illinois University