TEC 5323 Advanced Database Technology

Problem Solutions
(Supplemental Reading 2 of Chapter 2)


The following case problems are provided to help our students to solve some initial problems after Oracle installation:

1. Error: TNS Listener problem

Explanation: Oracle communicate with the outside world using network connection. The connection is controlled by listener. The listener can be configured by Net8 Assistant.

In Windows environment, listener is started when the computer is started. Sometimes, we may see problems that the listener could not be started. If that is the case, you may start the listener manually.


a. Open common prompt.
b. At C:\> prompt, type "lsnrctl start." The listener will be started if listener is not started.

2. Error: Oracle not available.

Explanation: The database is not open for access.

1. Check Oracle services (for example, OracleServiceORACLE) as explained in Chapter 2. Depending your operating system, services may be found in slightly different ways.

2. If the Oracle service is not started, you may start the Oracle service.

3. If the Oracle service has been started, the database is still not open, you may want to restart your computer.

4. If the database is still not open you may try the following procedure:

a. Open command prompt.

b. At C:|> prompt, type "sqlplus /nolog." Then you will see SQL> prompt.

c. At SQL> prompt, type "connect internal/oracle@oracle" assuming you used all default settings for your installation. If you changed your default setting, then you have to change accordingly. The first "oracle" is the password for user "internal", while the second "oracle" is your SID.

If you have Oracle9i installed, please use "connect / as sysdba" instead of "internal" as above.

d. At SQL> prompt, type "startup." That will start the database (mount and open) manually.


3. Login User Name and Password:
The following tips were contributed by Bagus Suksmoro, Sping 2004. They are very helpful for us.

Please try these various usernames and passwords, one of them may work (unless you
changed any defaults during installation).


If you put different name other than oracle for your SID, then you will need to use that
for the Host String.

I experienced the similar problem in the past, just to realized that the operating system I
had (windows ME) was not compatible with Oracle. I upgraded mine to Windows XP, then I could install and run Oracle just fine.

I hope these help


Off Subject

There was this patient that went to a retail pharmacy and asked for a medication. The following conversations happened between him and the pharmacist:

Customer: Can I have that medication? (And he pointed at it over the counter) Pharmacist: Let me see if we still have some left (and the pharmacist went keyboarding away at a terminal), came back to the customer and said, “Sorry we are out of stock” Customer: But it is right thereee, the customer said and again pointed at the medication over the counter.
Pharmacist: Point all you can! the system said it is out of stock!

--Contributed by Emmanuel Amadi (Spring 2003, who works at Carle Pharmacy)

Class Index

School of Technology
College of Business & Applied Sciences
Eastern Illinois University