TEC 5323 Advanced Database Technology

Objectives of Chapter 5


This chapter introduces the basic server programming techniques using PL/SQL language. Database server programming is useful for improving productivity and maintaining data validity. PL/SQL is another core of database technology. In this chapter, you are expected to master the following concepts or techniques:


      1. PL/SQL programming fundamentals.
      2. PL/SQL blocks.
      3. Program flow control.
      4. Interacting with database.
      5. Using procedures and functions.
      6. %TYPE and %ROWTYPE.
      7. Working with cursors.
      8. Exception handling: purpose.
      9. Predefined and user-defined exception.
      10. Stored procedures and function.
      11. Packages.
      12. Database triggers.


Class Index

School of Technology
College of Business & Applied Sciences
Eastern Illinois University