TEC 5323 Advanced Database Technology

Mid Term Test


Below are some guidelines or suggestions for the mid term test:

  1. The major content to be covered in the test include chapters 4 and 5 on the course web site. Thus, please review the course materials carefully before you take the test. Most of the problems were cited from Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) exams (Test 1 and 2).

  2. You will be tested for the understanding of concepts and basic techniques. There are 25 multiple choice questions randomly drawn from the test bank.

  3. The test last 40 minutes. The time should be plenty for you to complete the test.

  4. Due to problems observed in the past, the test will be given only at a specific time. Tentatively, the test will take place on Friday evening of the mid term test week (see schedule for details), starting at 8:00 PM and ending at 9:00 PM.

  5. You will need to have concentration before you take the test. Get everything ready including your hot chocolate before you start.

  6. You will need to be patient to wait for the test to be loaded. Your test time will not be affected due to network loading

  7. Please report to me any errors or problems in the test or network problems immediately so that I can take it into account while grading your test.

When you are ready, go to WebCT for your test (under Test/Survey).


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School of Technology
College of Business & Applied Sciences
Eastern Illinois University