2. becoming a R.O.P.E. (resident of the planet earth)

go on an imaginary Earthwatch trip.

Find your field (trip) of dreams by examining their catalog.


Then ... build a reference / resource guide.
There is no need to submit tons of paper that Earthwatch already provides. Simply list the URL (address) where you can instantly "click into" this reference.

Add any xerox material from books and encyclopedias. I always use the "5th grade level" encyclopedias -- WORLD BOOK & COLLIER'S to find information about

Write a scholary and creative summary of the expedition & host area.


If you leave the USA for your Earthwatch,
include the State Department Travel Advisory for the host country in your report.

Where do you get it ? It's on the Net -- somewhere. Go Surfin.

join Earthwatch and receive their bi-monthly magazine listing all trips.

Send $25 to:

Earthwatch: 680 Mt. Auburn Street - Box 403 - Watertown, MA 02272


Save $$$$:
The IRS lets you write off the expenses of Earthwatch (and travel) on your taxes because you are donating it to a 'science expedition' -- so you'll get ~~

20% back as a refund.


skip this --- skip this --- skip this --- skip this

and do one of the optional assignments instead

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