KNOWLEDGE -- to recall or to know

arrange; ask; check; choose; cite; define; describe; label; list; match; name; outline

COMPREHENSION -- to understand or explain

questioning verbs:
alter; annotate; calculate; change; construe; convert; define operationally; demonstrate; expand; explain; moderate; offer; project

APPLICATION -- to use ideas

questioning verbs:
adopt; apply; avail; classify; collect; construct; employ; exercise; manipulate; operate; organize

ANALYSIS - to break down into component parts

audit; breakdown; deduce; diagram; differentiate; dissect; divide;examine; include; inspect; look into; reason; screen

SYNTHESIS - to form a new whole

build; cause; combine; compile; compose; conceive; construct; create; design; develop; effect; evolve; formulate; generate

EVALUATION - to judge or critique

appraise; arbitrate; assay; classify; conclude; criticize; decide; determine; discriminate; evaluate; grade; judge; justify; priotize; rank; rate; referee