observing: using the senses to gather information; includes use of instruments (eg: hand lens)

classifying: grouping or ordering objects or events according to an established scheme based on observation

inferring: developing ideas based on observations; requires evaluation and judgment based on past experiences

predicting: forming an idea of an expected result; based on inferences

measuring: comparing objects to arbitrary units that may or may not be standardized

giving or exchanging information verbally / orally / in writing

defining operationally
state information about an object or an event based on an experience with it

making models
developing a physical or mental representation to explain an idea, object or event

approximately calculating a quantity or value, based on judgment

stating a problem to be solved as a question that can be tested

controlling variables
manipulating one factor that may affect the outcome of an event while other factors are held constant

collecting data
gathering information about observations and measurements in a systematic way

making a graph
converting numerical quantities into a diagram that shows the relationships among the quantitites

interpreting data
explaining information presented in a table / graph / diagram and / or using it to answer questions.
* reading a table * reading a graph * reading a diagram