Pondering Paleontology: Process & Piaget

the science of INFERRING - where all its restorations are tentative

one of the silliest things we do is teach dinosaurs in the primary grades.
Cute student faces mask their pre-operational minds which cannot comprehend time; distance; bio-diversity; life; classification; death and extinction. Still, we "teach dinosaurs." In addition to teaching falsehoods, there is very little "science" involved in this "unit." It often degenerates into "whole science" -- which might be defined as a whole lot of reading -- another skill that Elkind says boggles the young, unprepared minds.

Where are the opportunities to process information ?

This 'module' allows students to make mental leaps called inferences -- a reasonable guess to explain observed events.
An inference is derived from -

Children are still too young to understand & perform formal operational logic but this mental construct can be experienced on the heels of an inference. The hallmark of science is a thinking sequence that goes: "if - then - therefore."
4/25t/95 - 6/22s/96