address for -
D. events ; pendulums; what is science; acid rain; sts; population; brain

discrepant events

1) the assignment / readings --- /asngm.html

2) weighing a car with a ruler ? --- /wtofcar.html
3) what's the value of studying discrepant events ? --- /value.html
4) coke float: how do they make a pop can ? --- /popcan.html
5) fork in the cork: human balancing activities --- /balance.html
6) eggs: getting it into the bottle --- /kinetic.html
7) eggs: where does the push come from ? --- /eggs.html
8) eggs: more than you every wanted to know about them
9) santa claus - a real discrepancy --- /santa.html
10) other DE: clothes hanger chimes --- /hanger.html
11) emotion disequilbirium - the nags of the day --- /nags.html
12) the silo problem --- /silo.html
13) the cereal box problem --- /boxsize.html
14) surface area-volume applications --- /areavol.html
15) how hard do you blow to lift someone ?
16) who invented Polaroid filters ? --- polaroid.html
17) ripping paper: going against the grain --- rip.html
18) dr. leyden's coke-float article (k8 magazine: 3/96)
19) egg in bottle: concepts and misconceptions abound --- eggchart.html


1) big ben chimes --- /ben.html
2) pendulum law --- /pndlaw.html
3) pendulum and ess --- /pndlmns.html
4) pass the squeeze --- /bottle.html
5) dinosaur poem --- /poem.html
6) fizzicks of crashes --- /seatforce.html
7) a pendulum lesson plan --- /lessonplan.html
8) a synectic-seatbelts --- /seatbeltflow.html
9) seatbelts would not have saved this guy --- /rocketcar.html
10) airbags are filled with nitrogen: where does it come from --- (link - UKy)
11) airbag information center --- (link - yahoo)

what is science

1) sound, light & EQ waves: some analogies --- /seismo.html
2) eq 3 circles --- /eqcircle.html
3) eq circles overlay --- /eqoverlay.html
4) richter scale: power in numbers --- /richter.html
5) the myth of full moon --- /moonmyth.html
6) scientists are skeptics --- /skeptical.html
7) skepticism/pseudoscience --- w.hpcc.astro.washington/edu/scied/skeptic.html
8) the person on street is not --- /awsurvey.html
9) tv's image of science & scientists --- /sagan.html
10) why is science so 'slow' --- /daleco.html
11) what are the rules of the universe --- /beakman.html
12) nature of science: reasoning - a priori to empiricism --- /natureofsci.html

acid rain

1) billy joel --- /allentown.html
2) water recycle poem --- /recycle.html
3) acid rain: solvent of the world --- /awacid.html
4) acid rain: an illinois perspective --- /illacid.html
5) acid rain basics from a UKy chemistry lecture --- (link - Uky)

s-t-s: science-technology -society

1) the scope of s-t-s curricula --- /awindex.html
2) a sampler of s-t-s dilemmas --- /stsample.html
2) sts: definition and goals --- /yagersts.html
3) do energy saving light bulbs - save energy ? --- /GE.html
4) norplant video: men control womens' bodies ? --- /norplant.html
5) oregon health plan: a little bit for everyone --- /oregon.html
6) most oil spills are on purpose --- /spill.html
7) cleaning your bilge: $$ - more intentional oil spills --- /daleco.html


1) the world's population dilemma --- /world.html
2) women: 'taped' to be an engineer or to make babies ? ---/engineer.html
3) the arithmetic of abortion --- /math.html
4) population: i read it in the daily news --- /news.html
5) population: yipee - we've cured cancer and ___ --- /aging.html
6) what is the usa population right this minute ? ---
7) how much do babies cost? --- babycost.html
8) when will the population double - and, etc. --- double.html
9) world population & resources
10) people who have children are crazy ? take this test - you may qualify !
11) parenthood: it's just so much FUN --- lair.html
12) what if there were only 100 people on earth? --- hundred.html
13) population: every second of every day . . . ---zpg.html
14) population: how many people in each age group ? --- census.html


1) critical thinking: comma, but --- comma.html
2) creative thinking: the OM (odyssey of the mind) elementary project erin.html
3) creative thinking: career education + economics + language arts jobs.html
4) critical thinking: a simple square ? latin.html

address for - processes defined; process activities

process defined

1) why use this approach --- /why.html
2) processes defined --- /processes.html
3) processes: a hierarchy of skills --- crb.html
4) cooperative learning --- /kocs.html
5) M&M's - a tasty survey of all the processes --- mnm.html
6) australia: travel (and life) is a process --- aussie.html

1) observing --- /observing.html
2) graphing --- /graphing.html
3) communicate --- /communicate.html
4) classifying --- /classify.html
5) making models --- / models.html
6) predicting --- / predict.html 7) operational definition --- /define.html
8) control varaiables --- / control.html
9) collect data --- /collect.html
10) inferring --- /infer.html
11) interpreting data --- /interpret.html
12) estimating --- / estimate.html
13) measuring --- / measure.html
14) hypothesis --- /hypothesis.html


1) variables: deleware --- /deleware.html
2) variable: guilty --- /traitor.html
3) variable: buy only american products --- /econ.html
4) variables: pat buchanan buys AMERICAN
5) observing: a test --- /obsvtest.html
6) measuring: million-billion-trillion --- /million.html
6) measuring: why are chain letters illegal ? --- /chain.html
7) measuring: why are there 16 #'s on a credit card?--- /creditcard.html
8) measuring: science of social science --- /journey.html
9) measuring: the speed of lite & other impossible ... --- /lite.html
10) measuring: the speed of lite & other impossible things
11) scale models: candy is expensive --- /scale.html
12) scale models: earth and moon --- /science/moon/E-moon.html
13) scale models: mts; lakes & parks /mts.html
14) graphing: ninja --- /ninja.html
15) graphing: who's turn to talk - wings tvee show --- /wings.html
16) graphing: american revolution --- /amrevolt.html
17) hypothsize: taller-wide --- /taller.html
18) inferring: a foto flash --- /foto.html
19) inferring: what do we know about dinosaurs--- /inferdino.html
20) classifying: files on the internet --- /classify.html
21) gather/interpret data: what's in this cereal box ? --- /cerealdata.html
22) synectics: alphabit cereal --- /cereal.html
23) communicating: who named the dinosaurs ?
24) scale models: the solar system
25) collecting / interpreting data: the NCAA's final four
26) classifying: when did the dinosaurs live?
27) classifying: jurassic park --- wasn't
28) communicating: short language flow: dragnet (tvee)
29) communicating: loquacious language flow: w.f. buckley (writer)
30) communicating: bob greene's column: writing that lead paragraph
31) graphing: heartbeats & gigantothermy

address for: moon; sun; air; geology; dinosaurs

1) a process / learning cycle lesson plan --- /LCycle.html
2) six years of moon study --- /moore.html
3) michael's moon machine --- /moonmachine.html
4) constructivism and moon phases --- /phases.html
5) when is easter this year ? --- /easteris.html
6) the origin of the easter bunny myth --- /bunny.html
7) when was good friday ? --- /firsteaster.html
8) another month diary --- /moonsurvey.html
9) sputnik: the first artificial 'moon' --- /sputnik.html
10) one month moon diary --- /firstmoonth.html
11) one week moon diary --- /onewk.html
12) unit: behavioral objectives --- /objectives.html
13) earth-moon scale model --- /E-moon.html
14) why is the 'rising moon' so large ? --- /bigmoon.html
15) the myth of the full moon --- /moonmyth.html
16) the story of apollo 13 ( part i ) --- /apollo-a.html
17) the story of apollo 13 ( part ii) --- /apollo-b.html
18) a puzzle: lost on the moon --- /lost.html
19) some logic: what is moon's orbital speed ? --- /speed.html
20) the USA-USSR race to the moon: timeline --- /race.html
21. what do i know about moon phases ? --- /check.html
22. where's the moon today? --- the farmer's almanac
23) where there any benefits of going to the moon ? --- benefits.html
24) fraud; we never went to the moon - it was a trick --- hoax.html


1) global dictionary --- /terms.html
2) globe in sunlite activity --- /sunlitE.html
3) k-3 daytime astronomy objectives --- /sun-K3.html
4) 4-6 daytime astronomy objectives ---/sun-4-6.html
5) analemma: ultimate shadow --- /analemake.html
6) when was day #1 on calendar --- /julian.html
7) when 11 days disappeared from --- /calendar.html
8) moon/planets & mirrors in the sky ---/kepler.html
9) where's the sun today ? the farmer's almanac ---
10) another sun 'locator'
11) when does the sun rise today?

putting on heirs

1) air: a day - and nite - at the beach --- seabreeze.html
2) air: how high do balloons go ? --- hiballoons.html
3) air: the invention of the barometer --- barometer.html
4) air: high altitude sickness --- hialt.html
5) air: some mental steps to flying --- step.html
6) air: keeping domed stadiums domed --- dome.html
7) air: baking a cake at hi altitude --- cake.html
8) air: boiling, air pressure, evil spirits & american indians --- made.html
9) what makes your ears 'pop' half the time ?
10) vacuum cleaners, soda straws & airy thoughts


1) who was charles darwin ? --- darwin.html
2) the scopes 'monkey trial' --- dayton.html
3) who funded the scopes trial --- scopes.html
4) RIP: a presidental census --- census.html
5) rolling on a river --- schmidt:html
6) a radioactive date --- radio.html
7) a field trip: the limestone quarry --- quarry.html


1) dr. leyden's earthwatch: dinos in switzerland --- ewatch.html
2) dinosaurs with class --- class.html
3) jurassic park: the movie - the reality --- lies.html
4) owl pellets: skeleton reconstruction --- owls.html
5) dinosaur demise: where did they all go? --- (link-st. louis museum)

last update: 12/18w/96