a nasa field trip to the moon
the origin of this is ? -- it's been around for 25 years - but i cannot cite the original author

You and your space crew were originally scheduled to rendezvous with the Mother Ship on the lighted side of the moon. Due to mechanical problems the ship was forced to land 350 km from your target point.

During the landing, much of the equipment on board was damaged. Since survival depends on reaching the Mother Ship, the most critical items available must be chosen for the journey.

Listed below are 15 items left undamaged after landing. Your task is to rank order them in terms of importance to your crew during their trip. Place a ( 1 ) by the most important ... etc.
You have 15 minutes to plan your journey.
Bon voyage !

On the back of this paper, explain your rationale for your top three and bottom three choices.

10 / 12r / 95