0ption 2: inquiring minds want to know

science by inquiry or : how did michael wind up at eiu?

the kids need to know some basic science stuff and they ain't-ah-gonna learn it with that inquiry junk. Are they ?

Are you a good learner?

Read about the characteristics good learners possess & test your IQ .

Read about the philosophy of hands-on teaching / learning -- from these "historical articles" when the anti-textbook reached a new high -- and so did Sputnik.

Did you ever use "inquiry" on a test and get the "wrong" answer ?
Read about the barometer problem.

And finally ... there's Leyden.
How did a nice guy like him wind up in Coles County?

Inquiring minds want to know.


reading 1
l962: Chapt #3 - the inquiry method: teaching as a subversive activity --- postman / weingarner

reading 2
----: enlightened opportunism --- Elementary Science Study preface

reading 3a
----: science & the ability to think teaching sci in the elem school; renner -- ( leyden's teacher )

reading 3b
----: science and the ability to think teaching sci in the elem school; renner

reading 4
l964: the barometer story: . . .teaching criticial thinking --- current science -- jan 6-l0; a. calandra

reading 5
l978: teaching science 5-9: the authors speak: an evolutionary tale - silver-burdett; leyden's bio

reading 6
1964: helping kids make mistakes -- S&C v1 #8; david webster

reading 7
1971: the forgotten art of perceiving nature -- paddock / SL Post 5 / 2 / 71

reading 8
1975: letter to a ( lazy ) student -- rockcastle ( Leyden's consulting author )-- s&c -- jan

how did you do with your IQ test ? -- your INQUIRY QUOTIENT

Are you a curious person ? -- A good inquirer ?

React to these papers with your own typed paper.

6/21w/95 --- 8/26m/96