mary budd rowe :

wait time -- "the sounds of silence"

* her findings: minute changes in teacher language / behavior in the handling of questions ... result in significant increase in classroom dialog
* increase your wait time and ...


increase number of responses

increase length of responses

unsolicited / appropriate answers increase

confidence increases (voice inflection decreases)

students propose more experiments

more creative answers

present evidence to support answers

less dependent on teacher clues

shift to more child-child talk


ask a higher level question ( Bloom's Taxonomy )

make fewer discourse errors

more flexible in their responses

change expectations of students

* discovered a second wait time when teacher is noncommital in response because ...

+ student talk -- comes -- in bursts ...

+ "is it safe to respond?" ...

+ evaluation raises hell with trust ...

+ if teachers have the power to dole out rewards, then she also has the power to give punishments


* l9l2 study: teachers ask 2-4 questions/minute ... and ... things haven't changed much since

* with low reward schedules ...

there is less evaluation ...

creative answers increase ...

there is less demand on teacher's time

* hi reward schedules ...

make kids focus on "what she wants" and not the investigation at hand

* deferred judgement ... ( vs. concurrent judgment )

... keeps the critical kids from eating the creative ones

* kids are

eye watchers, and with hi rewards schedules are afraid to do anything 'til your winking and nod gives them the okay

* there are places

for classroom rewards ... give pertenient rewards or be neutral ... don't be ambiguous; do you reward the answer or the effort . . .

* hi rewards: kids behave

competitvely ...

hand waving ...

"oooohs ... me, me, me ...

"i " have a shot a the reward .. . (so i hope you fail)

* short wait times and hi rewards ...

are negative to activity-based science programs since they undermind confidence ...

act as distractors ..

prompts termination of search ... and

urges kids to accept hte first answer ...

surpress innovation for fear of being wrong ...

teacher become the source authority not nature

* if you want

students to think exactly like you ...

then try these phrases that will produce such compliance:

-- isn't it?

-- don't you think that ...

-- why did you ...

-- right? ( it would be academic suicide to disagree )

-- yes, but .. the art of mimicking students get them to agree with you

science is built on concept of people questioning other people's ideas ...

conflict is important to the expansion of ideas schools try to get all kids to agree ...

do you have classroom inquisition or conversations?

everyone has the right to be wrong and being wrong is not wrong

¥ kids need to feel safe in questioning

¥ feel free in speculation they must mess about and explore a problem from all angles

let them === this takes time ( you have l80 school days to do it )
