essense / essence cards

source: american geological institute - 1972 - with support of NSF


robert Samples ( Samples taught a one week summer course at EIU around 1983 - 84 ? ) designed a unique set of "science" cards for use with children who are probably not the creme de la creme.

The title of the program is entrenched in metaphors. The 'curriculum' is "environmental science" -- known as "e-s." Since the study of environmental science makes 'sense' -- the term "es-sense" came to be. But the study of environmental science is the essence of our existence, so "essense / essence" was born.


but things aren't that simple.

What do you consider "environment?" The basic problem with 'problem learners' is that they cannot relate their own lives to the topic of study ... thus the "environment" actually becomes themselves. Who are they and how do they relate to the social / physical / biological environment around them.

Some of these cards are from the "PEEPHOLE" set -- peeping thru a hole ... and seeing yourself.


to quote Samples

teachers said they wanted guidance in setting up more effective and humane environments; how they could become more open and accepting.

These cards are designed to do this. Read the TGuide carefully, particularly the pages about how human beings tend to influence others with their values and prejudices.

You are in control. Kids will do what you expect, or if you are really committed to accept the decisions they make and these assignments will blossom ..if not ..give the cards to someone else.


such an approach is obviously not based on the tenets of behavior modification (i.e. - the M & M approach) but hinges on intrinsic motivation -- how the learner sees himself in life.


perhaps the most important goal of education is to produce autonomous learners ... people who are capable of making decisions their own decisions ( with the consideration of others ) but autonomous.


This best occurs when people are intrinsically motivated rather than reaching for artificial behavior- seducing goals ( A's; gold stars; smiley faces, etc. ).

Remember, if rewards are given for learning, then learning will stop when rewards are no longer given.

some more es-sential thoughts ....

+ be a politician .. this assignment nurtures an attitude of deferring responsibility ... can you internalize responsibility for your actions and feelings? Who controls your life: you or 'the man?'

+ a very high trust environment is necessary for people to express themselves honestly

+ i want you to ... vs ... you should ....... i can't ... vs ... i won't ... a little difference in speech pattern means big differences in behaviors

+ deferred judgment .. vs .. concurrent judgment: wait, listen, shut up ..



* when people get angry / happy / upset / feel good, they usually have something or someone or some place that makes them feel that way. Make a list of feelings -- and relate people / places / events that MAKE YOU feel that way. Now make yourself feel and emotion for an entire hour ... day /week /lifetime .


* list some things that others expect you to do without asking your permission ... and vice versa. Which of the above are fair ...and ... unfair ? Is it right to expect anything from anybody ?


* speak only in the first person for a day, a week, an hour ... keep track of how often you and others use the second or third person ... under what conditions does each type of speech occur ?


* list three people you manipulate .... and three who manipulate you. Can you manipulate others by pretending that you are being manipulated ? Do some people like to be the manipulator ... the manipultatee ? Compare these words: influence, control --manipulate. What is the scope of each meaning ?


* make a list of your personality traits ... hobbies ... behavior patterns and decide if they are 'really you' or if you were programmed to like / dislike certain things by your parents / friends / society ...


* hang up some paper in the classroom ... at home ... write graffiti on it. What kind of things are recorded on it.. Does graffiti invite change ... why do people write it ?


* write three sentences about how you see yourself .. and call this ME ... Now write three sentences about how others see you ... and call this ... THEM.


Any differences ? Why do you suppose your perception of yourself doesn't match others feelings about you ?

* during the middle of a lesson ... STOP ... and ask the students to write you a note to show you how / what they feel about the subject matter ... and how it relates to them ... and the thoughts flowing thru their minds at the moment.


* write a list of behaviors you feel are ok for you .. but others think are bad ... and who are these 'others' ... why do you suppose they feel that way ? Are you ever the 'other' person judging your friends ?


* write down some thoughts and feelings about the following terms: anger; boredom; friendship; pain; money; parents; dating; future; past; today; tomorrow; babies;


* write down all the positive things that have happened to you today ... this week ... this year


* write down any changes you might have to make to be a perfect ... physical person ... intellectual ... friend ... son ... daughter... student ... teacher ... team member


* list three things you do .. that you say you don't. Now list three things you don't do ... but say you do. Do this with a friend ... a teacher .. mayor ... tvee commercials ... mom. Write a lesson plan that will make your 'saying' and your 'doing' agree.


* there is room at the bottom of this paper ... so write some of your own essense activities' that you would like to complete ... and learn how others feel about them ...


* what have you learned about yourself thru these activities ? Do your answers help sketch your portrait on a mirror. Do your responses help you understand why things are going the way they are in your life? Do you see any ways that you can cause positive changes in your life ?



the action:
Make a list of the stupidest things that happen to you in school and a list of the stupidest things you do in school.
Set up a plan to change both. Carry out your plan.

Repeat, using the community, the state, the nation. What makes something stupid?
What makes it smart?
Does it really matter whether or not you do stupid things? Who cares?
Why should they ? Why should you care ?


the action:
Do something nice for someone in the school BUT KEEP IT A SECRET. After you have done this, make a list of the feelings that you had while keeping the secret. What did you find out about yourself by doing this?

Do the same thing with someone who doesn't know you. Become a good spirit in your block for one week. What makes keeping a secret difficult?


the action:
Speak only in the first person for a period, a day, a week.

Keep a record of the number of times in a day that the second or third person is used by someone.



the action:
Choose a person in your community like a teacher, policeman, secretary, principal, etc. and find out what their most serious problems are and try to work out a way that they could solve these problems.

Figure out what some of your classmates' problems are and help solve them. What makes something a problem? Discover a real problem you face that you. haven't been able to solve... then get some help to solve it.



the action:
Find out what people do that they ------- say they don't do.

Find out what people don't do that they ---- say they do.

Help them and yourself bring doing and saying closer together.

Do this with public figures.

Do this with movies.

Do this with TV commercials.

Do this with your teacher.

Do this with your principal. Do this with yourself.


the action:
Play the role of the PERFECT teacher (administrator, custodian, hall monitor, parents, _____ and _____ and ______

Demonstrate the role to the class.

Become the role you play for a period, e.g., actually do the principal's thing for a period.

TEACHER: Play a role of someone and have the kids psych yo,u out. How can you tell if someone 5 role playing? If you are?

Is role playing necessary in life?

Does role playing ever become dangerous? When?


the action:
Collect 5 to 10 jokes. Take turns telling them to the class. Figure out what makes them funny.

Can jokes be a put down ? How can they hurt someone's feelings ? Invent a way to classify lokes. Figure out some jokes that you want particular people to hear. Why ? Try to make a funny joke unfunny.


the action:
With someone who chooses to cooperate, try to reach as many conclusions as you can about their personality from their life style and mannerisms.

Share your conclusions with the person and check out your insight.

See if the whole class can make a people-profile check list that can work on others.

Invite someone from the community in for the class to psych-out. Do not Role play this.

Use a twenty questions approach or . . . . .


the action:
Figure out your best and worst habits. Add two good habits and drop two bad habits from your life.

If someone wants you to help them break a habit, figure out how to help. Identify one of the teacher's bad habits and help him break it.


Identify one of the teacher's good habits and help encourage it. Ask someone to help you break your bad habits.

Where do your habits come from? How long have you had each habit? Communicate what you found out about your habits to someone you trust.



(When) are habits good? Bad?

Are habits necessary? Is it possible to "eliminate" them entirely? What would it be like not to have habits?

habits are usually actions we do without thinking. Exposure and sharing must be voluntary and require trust.

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