a list of the semester's "nag of the day" -- or truisms of life

but to a 22 year old student most of these ideas are stupid -- because you have not experienced the appropriate EXPLORATION LESSONS that allow for meaningful CONCEPT INTRODUCTION.
Thus -- introducing these "adult concepts" before the age of 37 is futile - - but fun.

A teacher's task is to put students into confusion -- cognitive and affective disequilibrium - because the only road out of confusion is -- thinking. See related concepts dealing with Discrepant Events. The "egg in the bottle" is a cognitive discrepant event -- and my saying all teachers should teach 800 miles from their home town -- is an affective discrepant event. It goes against everything you've "bought" at the perceptual psychology store of life. Confusion.

Save these for 15 years -- read them again -- they'll make much, much more sense -- because you'll have the Exploration Lessons that go with them. Really. :-)

what'cha doing at 4 a.m. ?

what'cha going to do for ...
l5 days ?

21,915 days (you're alive)
-4,400 days (that you'll teach)
l7,915 days ( the school is locked ) what'cha going

if you live 60 years and teach 25 years, 6.6% of the remaining hours of your life will be spend in an elementary school. What are you going to do in the 93.4% of your life when you don't "teach ?"
do you ever get tired of being ignorant?

there is not such thing as stress ... i've never had bad day

you've got to make your own funshine - no one will ever make you happy in life -- that's your responsibility
ignorant ­ stupid

ignorant = you don't know; stupid is you don't wanna know

give yourself 2,000 days

a choice: go thru life --- (a) brain on (b) brain off

did you volunteer ?
then stop whining ! (p.s.) "i hate when people whine because they're not happy at every given moment.
You want to be happy ? Go earn it." ( J. Leno )


when teachers tell students everything they gotta do . . . they only do what they gotta -- ( and that's why i hate behavioral objectives )

life ain't no dress rehearsal

tapes can be erased

if you are bored -- it's because -- you are stupid

the science teaching paradox you don't need to know much science to teach it but . . . the more you do know . . the better you teach

don't cha just wanna know ?

your mother is going to die.
your father is going to die.
you'd better studying

hang around smart people ---- Rule #1 in Life
excuses -- excuses -- excuses

reasons, reasons reasons -- when do you uses excuses -- and when do you use reasons ?

are you in love ? -- in scared ? -- in flight ? -- in hormone ? -- in program ?

the reasons why all humans get married.

i have never done anything i didn't want to do
(50.00001% of me wanted to do it and 49.99999% of me didn't. So-o-o-o, i did it.

wha'cha doing at 4 am ? ( see - you do have the 'time' to do the assignment -- you just don't have the passion )

"but i just didn't have the time . . ."
"Ma-dear -- you HAD the time -- you didn't have the passion."

You only have time for the things you wanna do.

dump two non-smart people from yourfriends list --- add two smart people

can the earth afford any more children ?

a choice: live your life or -- live your life conservatively

abolish mother's day

"we seal our fate with the choices we make ( gloria estafan )

before you can burn out ... you must be on fire --- most teachers rust out

all my friends from high school who work at wal-mart don't have to do tests, papers, oral reports ... (p.s. - see: "did you volunteer ?")
teacher --- thread --- lisle --- string --- cord --- twine --- R.O.P.E. -- resident of the planet earth
( life is an evolution )

think big -- keep your options open

when you leave your bedroom you have to begin giving up "your rights" The hardest thing for people to admit.

education is the only product and process where the consumer demands to be cheated.
"do we have to do this assignment?" answer: "no - you can be stupid, i don't care."

i'll have my doctorate in science education by june l99-

a bad day is when you die all the rest are glowingly & growingly neat

every time you choose you lose

leyden's law of human interaction

did you come to college for knowledge ?
problems = ( N ) Nth -- solutions = n + n . . .

teaching science 30 minutes a day x 3 days / wk x 25 years = 00.003% of your life

take notes only if you want to be more intelligent

when grades are given as a reward for learning then learning will stop at graduation 'cuz there are no 'points' / stickers in real life

12 / 18s / 93
12 / 5t / 95