Some Interesting Stuff

Philosophies of Teaching, Learning, Living

subtitle: did you come to college for knowledge ?

Paul DeHart Hurd, the great Stanford University educator said:

". . . the purpose of a science methods course is to get your house in philosophical order . . ."

If that be the case -- let's start rearranging the furniture.

such a deal
the dumbing of america

may i pour you some whine ?
some goals

how did dr. leyden ever get to be a teacher ?
the lazy student

the excited student
expanding knowledge - shrinking time -- -- to teach

content vs. process -- a romantic replies to a hard liner

notre dame means more than football to this family

the apple - a 'core' curriculum
the poor scholar's soliloquy

emotional disequilibrium - have you had your nag of the day ?
who says this is important ?

the ( teacher's ) serenity prayer

the essence of responsibility

some of these Bullets created by Jen Kitchen.