Maia Lab |
ReseArch |
Our lab focuses on functional and ecological morphology. We work mostly with locomotion, concentrating on the aquatic realm. We employ functional morphology techniques to elucidate the evolution of locomotion mechanics. In addition, my lab is also interested in the physiology and function of the musculoskeletal system and in material properties of fish appendages. |
Function of the Spiny Dorsal Fin
Evolution on Median Fins in Basal Bony Fishes
Effects of Estradiol of Fish Metabolism
Assessment of Restoration Efforts in Kickapoo Creek, IL
Effects of Natural Occurring Turbulence in Longear Sunfish
Functional Morphology of Shark Fins
Seahorse Tail Kinematics
Modelling of Suction Feeding in Bass
Escape Responses in Chondrichthyes
Effects of Streamwise Turbulence in Bluegill Sunfish
Morphometrics of Minnow Oral and Pharyngeal Jaws