Maia Lab

Favata, CA, A Maia, M Pant, V Nepal& RE Colombo. (under review, River Research and Applications) Managing Structural Restoration: Ecological Monitoring and Factors Driving Community Structure in a Restored Stream.


Myers, J & A Maia. (submitted to Fish Physiology and Biochemistry) Oxygen Consumption of Green Sunfish Prior and Post Exercise.


Maia, A, GV Lauder & CD Wilga (2017) Hydrodynamic function of dorsal fins in spiny dogfish and bamboo sharks during steady swimming. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220(21), 3967-3975.


Gerth, CJ & A Maia. Shape analysis of the jaws between two minnow species over ontogeny. Journal of Morphology, 278(10): 1412–142010.1002/jmor.20721.


Maia, A & CD Wilga. 2016. Three-dimensional kinematics of the dorsal fins in spiny dogfish during steady swimming. Journal of Zoology, 298 (2): 139-149, DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12300


Maia, A & CD Wilga (2015). Three-dimensional kinematics of the dorsal fins in spiny dogfish during steady swimming. Journal of Zoology, online first.


Maia, A, A Sheltzer, ED Tytell (2015). Streamwise vortices destabilize swimming bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). J Exp Biol 218, 786-792.


Vinagre, C, A Maia, R Amara & HN Cabral (2014) Anomalous otoliths in juveniles of common sole, Solea solea, and Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis, Marine Biology Research, 10:5, 523-529, DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2013.831178


Maia, A& CD Wilga (2013). Function of dorsal fins in bamboo shark during steady swimming. Zoology, 116: 224-231.

Maia, A& CA Wilga (2013). Comparative anatomy and dorsal fin muscle activity during turning maneuvers in two shark species. Journal of Morphology. 10.1002/jmor.20179.

Vinagre, C,
A Maia, R Amara, HN Cabral (2013). Spawning period of Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis, based on juvenile otolith microstructure. Journal of Sea Research 76: 89–93.

Wilga, CD,
A Maia, S Nauwelaerts & GV Lauder (2012). Prey Handling Using Whole Body Fluid Dynamics in Batoids. Zoology 115: 47-57.

Maia, A, CD Wilga & GV Lauder (2012). Biomechanics of Locomotion in Sharks, Rays and Chimeras (Chapter) in Biology of Sharks and their Relatives, Vol I, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 633pp.

Vasconcelos, RP, P Reis-Santos,
A Maia, M Ruano, MJ Costa & HN Cabral. 2011. Trace metals (Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) in juvenile fish from estuarine nurseries along the Portuguese coast. Scientia Marina 75(1): 155-162.

Vasconcelos, RP, P Reis-Santos,
A Maia, V Fonseca, S França, N Wouters, MJ Costa & HN Cabral. 2010. Nursery use patterns of commercially important marine fish species in estuarine systems along the Portuguese coast. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 86: 613-624.

Baeta, F, MI Batista,
A Maia, MJ Costa & H Cabral. 2010. Elasmobranch bycatch in a trammel net fishery in the Portuguese west coast. Fisheries Research, 102: 123–129.

Vinagre, C,
A Maia, P Reis-Santos, MJ Costa & HN Cabral (2009). Small-scale distribution of Solea solea and Solea senegalensis juveniles in the Tagus estuary (Portugal). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 81: 296-300.

Maia, A,C Vinagre & HN Cabral. 2009. Impact of a predator in the foraging behaviour of Solea senegalensis, Journal of the Marine Biological Association, U. K., 89: 645–649.

Vinagre, C, V Fonseca,
A Maia, R Amara & H Cabral. 2008. Habitat specific growth rates and condition indices for the sympatric solesSolea solea (Linnaeus, 1758) andSolea senegalensis Kaup 1858, in the Tagus estuary, Portugal, based on otolith daily increments and RNA-DNA ratio.Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 24: 163–169.

Vasconcelos, RP, P Reis-Santos, S Tanner,
A Maia, C Christopher Latkoczy, D Gunther, MJ Costa & H Cabral. 2008. Evidence of estuarine nursery origin of five coastal fish species along the Portuguese coast through otolith elemental fingerprints. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 79: 317-327.

Cabral, HN, R Vasconcelos, C Vinagre, S França, V Fonseca,
A Maia, P Reis-Santos, M Lopes, M Ruano, J Campos, V Freitas, P Santos & MJ Costa. 2007. Relative importance of estuarine flatfish nurseries along the Portuguese coast. Journal of Sea Research 57: 209–217.

Maia, A, N Queiroz, HN Cabral, AM Santos & JP Correia. 2007. Reproductive biology and population dynamics of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque in the eastern North Atlantic. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23: 246–251.

Vasconcelos, RP, P Reis-Santos, V Fonseca,
A Maia, M Ruano, S França, C Vinagre, MJ Costa & H Cabral. 2007. Assessing anthropogenic pressures on estuarine fish nurseries along the Portuguese coast: a multi-metric index and conceptual approach.Science of the Total Environment, 374: 199–215.

Vinagre, C,
A Maia & HN Cabral. 2007. Comparison of gastric evacuation in the sympatric juvenile soles Solea senegalensis and S. solea: influence of temperature and salinity. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23: 240–245.

Maia, A, N Queiroz, JP Correia & HN Cabral. 2006. Food habits of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, off the southwest coast of Portugal. Environmental Biology of Fishes 77: 157–167.

Queiroz, N, FP Lima,
A Maia, PA Ribeiro, JP Correia & AM Santos. 2005. Movement of blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the north-east Atlantic based on mark–recapture data. Journal of the Marine Biological Association, U. K.85: 1107-1112.
