Plants That are Deer Resistant or Minimally Damaged by Deer
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Blue Giant Hyssop | Agastache foeniculum |
Nodding Pink Onion | Allium cernuum |
Butterfly Milkweed | Asclepias tuberosa |
Side-flowering Aster | Aster lateriflorus |
Aromatic Aster | Aster oblongifolius |
Canadian Milk Vetch | Astragalus canadensis |
Lady Fern | Athyrium filix-femina |
Blue Wild Indigo | Baptisia australis |
Cross-vine | Bignonia capreolata |
Low Calamint | Calamintha arkansana |
Lanceleaf or Sand Coreopsis | Coreopsis lanceolata |
Bleeding Heart, Pink Dwarf | Dicentra eximia |
Shooting-star | Dodecatheon meadia |
Pale Purple Coneflower | Echinacea pallida |
Purple Coneflower | Echinacea purpurea |
Rattlesnake Master | Eryngium yuccifolium |
Gaillardia | Gaillardia aristata |
Homestead Purple Verbena or Rose Verbena | Glandularia (Verbena) canadensis |
Maximillian Sunflower | Helianthus maximilliani |
Round-headed Bush Clover | Lespedeza capitata |
Rough Blazing-star | Liatris aspera |
Prairie Blazing-star | Liatris pycnostachya |
Wild Lupine | Lupinus perennis |
Oswego Tea | Monarda didyma |
Dotted Mint or Horsemint | Monarda punctata |
Ohio Goldenrod | Oligoneuron ohiense (Solidago ohioensis) |
Stiff Goldenrod | Oligoneuron rigidum (Solidago rigida) |
Wild Quinine | Parthenium integrifolium |
Foxglove Beardstongue | Penstemon digitalis |
Large-flowered Beardstongue | Penstemon grandiflorus |
False Dragonhead or Obedience Plant | Physostegia virginiana |
Small Solomon’s Seal | Polygonatum biflorum |
Black-eyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta |
Wild Petunia | Ruellia humilis |
Showy Goldenrod | Solidago speciosa |
Hoary Vervain | Verbena stricta |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Side-oats Grama | Bouteloua curtipendula |
Little Bluestem | Schizachyrium scoparium |
Prairie Dropseed | Sporobolus heterolepis |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Carpet Phlox or Moss Pink | Phlox subulata |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Leadplant | Amorpha canescens |
New Jersey Tea | Ceanothus americanus |
Wax-myrtle | Myrica cerifera |
Dunes Sumac or Fragrant Sumac | Rhus aromatica |
Yucca, Adam’s Needle | Yucca smalliana |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Table Mountain Pine | Pinus pungens |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Trumpet Creeper | Campsis radicans |
Trumpet Honeysuckle | Lonicera sempervirens |
The Cincinnati Zoo
Spring Hill Nursery
Prairie Nursery, Native Plants and Seeds, Prairies, Woodlands and Wetlands. 2007. Catalog and Growing Guide. Westfield, WI.
Note: Using plants in this list does not guarantee against deer damage. Deer populations and deer taste preferences are variable, and if you have large herds, you will more than likely experience deer damage.