Students enter classrooms with preconceived notions of how the world works.
Some of these ideas are erroneous and are called "alternative frameworks,"
"alternative conceptions," "misconceptions," and even "intelligent wrongness."
They represent the mind's attempt to connect new information with information
already stored in memory. Their study has been influenced by models originating out
of cognitive psychology.
Misconceptions may originate from personal experience, imprecise language, lack of
examples and non-examples in concept formation, media representation of phenomena,
errors in logic, and textbooks.
Misconceptions exist in all the science areas. Some pervasive examples involve the
following topics: plant nutrition; hot and cold; laws of motion; floating and sinking;
sizes of body parts; shape of earth; density; the particulate nature of matter.
Misconceptions interfere with further learning, as new information is linked to the
existing misconception. They impede one's ability to see the "big picture" in the
various sciences, to appreciate the links among science concepts and generalizations,
and to apply science principles meaningfully to everyday life.
Misconceptions must be confronted by experience with the phenomena in
question. This experience may be direct, as in demonstrations or hands-on
activities, or vicarious, as with computer simulations. In any case, misconceptions
are tenacious and a great deal of mental effort is required to let go fo of them and
restructure one's ideas.
Initially, the teacher must be willing to face his / her mown misconceptions. Then the
teacher must assume the role of learning facilitator and encourage students to be
active learners. pre-assessment, listening to student questions, effective planning and
follow-through, closure statements, and techniques such as concept mapping are
useful. Misconceptions can be highly creative and students should not be ridiculed for
having them.
7 / 7f / 95
what are sources of common science misconceptions?
what are sources of common science misconceptions?
why should misconceptions be identified and confronted ?
how may misconceptions are remediated ?
how is the teacher involved in dealing with misconceptions ?
Cardinal Wolsey (1475 ?-1530)