What Our Project Wow Team Learned:

"I learned Abraham Lincoln fought in the Black Hawk War, and was a leader in the Civil War."     -Elliott

"I learned that Abraham Lincoln had four sons, who were named Tad, Robert, Edward, and William."      -Uella

"I learned that Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation."     -Katie

"I learned that Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address, and it was only three minutes long but very powerful."    -Kamryn

What Our Project Wow Team Enjoyed Most:

"I had fun listening to the skits."    -Elliott

"I had fun making the Abe banks."   -Uella

"I had fun working with my 'Wow' team."    -Katie

"I had fun making the then versus now Abe book."   -Kamryn