lifetime of leonardo
- 1452 Leonardo is born in
- 1466 Leonardo apprenticed to Verrocchio
- 1473 Copernicus born in Poland
- 1482 Leonardo move to Milan
- 1485 The plague kills thousands in Milan
- 1492 Columbus sails the Atlantic and discovers the New World
- 1495 Leonardo begins the Last
- 1499 the French capture
Milan and Leonardo returns to Florence
- 1501 Michelangelo creates the statue of David
- 1503 Leonardo begins painting the Mona Lisa
- 1506 Leonardo returns to Milan
- 1512 Leonardo moves to Rome, Michelangelo finishes painting
the Sistine Chapel
- 1515 Francois I becomes King of France
- 1516 Leonardo moves to France
- 1519 Magellan's
expedition begins its voyage around the world,
Leonardo dies