Recommended Links about George Washington Carver
This site had a lot of media on it. It also contained a lot of information on Carver. The kids liked this page because of all the information, but they also commented that  the page was hard to follow. The average rating for this web site was a 3 out of 5.
This site contained worksheets on Carver. It had word searches and cross word puzzles. The kids loved this site because of all the media that was available. They also like all the different worksheets. This site received a score of  4 out of 5.
This site contains images of Carver. The students liked this site a lot but they said that it didn't have enough information. They gave this site a 3 out of 5.
This site contained quotes from Carver. The students did not like this site because they had a hard time understanding the quotes. They gave it a 1 out of 5.
This was a site on Carver. It was a biography on his life. The students liked the information because it was easy to understand but did not like the fact that it was lacking photos. They gave this site a 3 out of 5.
This site had a lot of information on Carver. It was another biography page. The kids liked this site but again it did not have enough pictures. They gave it a 2 out of 5.