John James Audubon Mini Field Trip
with Dr. Barry Hunt

Dr. Hunt

Dr. Hunt talks with the third graders about bird migration and banding.

Anna says: "I thought it was awesome!  I learned that you can have bird tags on the ankles of birds.  I also know that John James Audubon also liked to paint birds.  Dr. Hunt let us ask questions about John James Audubon."

Amara says: "You can make a cage where you put a little plastic thing up, and when the bird comes in it goes down. He told us a lot about John James Audubon. I also learned John made a big, big book. The birds were life size"

Dr. Hunt demonstrates a live bird trap he made for catching birds in order to band them.

Zack says: "He was really good at acting. He made bird sounds. He makes traps. If a bird walks in the trap the door will close. He made birds sounds.  John James Audubon made a really big book.  The birds were life size.  He had over 400 pages.  I thought it was awesome!  He taught me a lot of things about John James Audubon.

Megan says: "I thought it was  really cool. I just really liked it. I just can not explain how awesome it was. I really hope we can do something like it again. It was just great!

Dr. Hunt & Team

Dr. Hunt poses with the Audubon Team. 
Thank you, Dr. Hunt, for a GREAT Mini-Field Trip!

Preston says:  I loved it and I liked it!  We learned about bird banding.

Stevie says:  You can put little metal tags on bird's feet!
