George Washington Carver Lessons
Taught By:

Brad Breakfield
Brooke Jackson
Gina Tomlin

Lesson 1 Gina- This first lesson was a introduction to George Washington Carver. The students listened to A Weed is a Flower, a book about Carver, and were given pictures in which they had to put in order that the story went. They learned about Carver's childhood and adulthood.

Lesson 2 Brooke- In this lesson the students constructed a timeline. The timeline was in the shape of a puzzle. Each puzzle piece had a date on it. They were given information on Carver's life with pictures and they had to place this information on the correct date.

Lesson 3 Brad- The students first listened to the story of the Sneetches and this story was related to diversity. Then they constructed a flip person. On the chest of the person, under the flap, they were to write about important events in Carver's life. Then they were to decorate the person like Carver.

Lesson 4 Gina- This lesson was a math lesson that had to deal with estimation and measurement skills. The students first traced an outline of a member of their group. Then they estimated their height in peanuts. Next they actually measured out the height of themselves with the peanuts. They then had the opportunity to decorate the outline of themselves.

Lesson 5 Brooke- In this activity the students first brainstormed about Carver's life and what some of his accomplishments were. Then they were to insert this information into an acrostic poem. This activity allowed for a creative touch in which the students had to manipulate sentences to fit in the poem.

Lesson 6 Brad- The student will listen to the story Seed to Plant. Then the Student will be shown a cycle wheel of  the plant. The students then will construct a wheel of their own but it will be on Carver's life. This will include information on all the phases of Carver's life.