About Theodore Roosevelt

Throughout Theodore Roosevelt’s life, he has been known as a Rough Rider, rancher, writer, hero, adventurer, conservationist, and president.

He was born October 27, 1858 in New York City.


Teedie, as he was known as a child, grew up with two sisters and a brother in New York, and at the age of 18 he began my education at Harvard College.


In 1880 he met and married Alice Hathaway Lee on his 22nd birthday. 


Roosevelt published his first book in 1882 about the Naval War of 1812.  He wrote over 30 books.


His first daughter Alice Lee Roosevelt, was born February 12, 1884.  Sadly, his wife died 2 days later and his mother died later in the afternoon on the same day.


Teddy’s life brightened again when he married his second wife, Edith Kermit Carow.  Together they had 5 children. 


Roosevelt became Lieutenant Colonel of the Rough Riders in 1898 and led them into battle during the Spanish-American War.


After serving his country, he moved into politics becoming Governor of New York.


Just a few years later, he became Vice President of the United States under William McKinley.  McKinley died three years later, and Roosevelt was sworn in as president in 1901.


Then in 1904 Teddy was elected president in his own right. 


President Theodore Roosevelt accomplished many great things:  He established National Parks, started irrigation projects, helped settle world problems, set up animal reservations, helped to begin the construction of the Panama Canal, won the Nobel Peace Prize, and helped to pass many other laws.


After his presidency, he traveled to many places in the world, including Brazil, Africa, and Europe on hunting expeditions and other adventures.


While Theodore was working to become president again, he was shot in the chest.  However, he still gave a 90-minute speech before going to the hospital.  He would not ever serve as President but he would continue to work for his country until his death on January 6, 1919, at the age of 60. 


Theodore Roosevelt led a short, but an exciting life.  Continue navigating through our Website and you will learn about his presidency, exciting adventures, and most importantly how he made our world and environment beautiful.

Life of Teddy Skit