The Inuit people live in harsh conditions year round. They do many things that have helped them to survive for generations.
In order to survive they would build igloos that served as shelters and used lamps for light that was filled with whale blubber for oil.
The Inuits would use all of the animals that they had hunted including the skin.
The men hunted polar bear, musk oxen, caribou, foxes, birds, fish and walruses.
Women would make bearskin pants, snow hare stockings, waterproof sealskin boots, deerskin mittens and fur coats.
The primary mode of transportation used to be sled dogs it is now more common for the Inuits to use snowmobiles.
Now the Inuits are experiencing the effects of global warming. Their home on the ice is cracking and melting, making it dangerous to travel on. This also causes the animal migration to change from normal patterns.