Our Fieldtrip to Saint Louis, MO, and Cahokia Mounds, IL

This is our group, the Shoshone Team, in front of the St. Louis Arch and at the top of Monks Mound.
On the Bus to the Arch!
The St. Louis Arch and The Museum of Westward Expansion
Pictures of the arch.
Waiting to get into the museum.

Waiting again, but this time to get into the IMAX 
Movie about Lewis and Clark, called "The Journey West."
This is our group, again.  We are in the Museaum of Westward Expansion standing with a statue of Meriwether Lewis.

This a map of the path that the Corps of Discovery took to get to the Pacific Ocean and a quote from William Clark's journal.
This is a representation of a tipi that is in the museum.  We like this tipi because it is like the one that the Shoshone lived in.

Cahokia Mounds

Walking up the stairs to Monks Mound at Cahokia.
There are 118 Stairs to get to the top! 
What a workout!
Our group in front of a mural of a 
Cakokian leader.
Playing with instruments that the Cahokians used.
A Cahokian boy trying to start a fire.
The whole group that went on the field trip.  There were 46 students, 28 EIU students, 15 parents, 2 teachers, and a partridge in a pear tree!

What we learned from this field trip:

"I learned that the Arch is 650 feet tall."
"I learned the Cakokians lived on tall Mounds."
"I learned that Sacajawea had a baby boy on the expedition."
"I learned that they made the mounds by carrying many baskets of soil."
"I learned that the expedition spent a lot of time travelling up the Mississipi River."
"I learned that there are Cakokia Mounds.  I didn't know that before we went there."
Favorite Links:
Samples of the Childrens' Work
Our Time line and KidPix Art
The team Captains (EIU Students)
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