Thomas Jefferson Links

                    1.  Museum of Westward Expansion
                         " I enjoyed this site because it made me feel like I was visting the museum all over
                                again."   - Angela

                    2.  The Lewis and Clark Journey of Discovery
                         "This site has a lot of information on the set-up of the journey and a lot of nice

3.  The Cabildo- Louisiana Purchase
   "I enjoyed this site because it has lots of pictures and lots of useful

4.  Monticello: The Home of Thomas Jefferson
     "It's very informative."   - Jay

5.  Louisiana Purchase Map
    "This map shows just how much land that the United States purchased!" - Val

6.  The Louisiana Purchase
     "There was a game that gave you lots of good facts about Thomas
      Jefferson." - Dalton

7.  The Treaty of the Louisiana Purchase
     "This was a really neat site of the treaty!" - Peighton

8.  Biography of Thomas Jefferson
     " This site tells about Thomas Jefferson and his presidencey." - Thomas

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