Jefferson Team Page

 Meet our team members
Third Graders
"My favorite part of Project WOW is when we went to Cahokia and the Gateway Arch.  I liked seeing the Arch up close.  I also liked Monk's Mound because it was handmade by the Mississippians.  I also like learning new things about Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase."

"My favorite part of Project WOW is when we went to St. Louis because I liked going to the museum under the gateway Arch.  I also liked walking up the long steps at Monk's Mound.  I also liked the IMAX movie about Lewis and Clark at the Arch.  I also liked learning about Jefferson's home, Monticello."

"One interesting fact that I have learned is how much Jefferson paid for the Louisiana Purchase.  I also liked learning about Jefferson's home, Monticello."

"I liked going to Cahokia Mounds and the Arch because I learned a lot on the field trip.  I liked drawing our own Monticello.  I also liked making the Louisiana Purchase from the United Stated puzzle."

"I liked seeing the IMAX movie at the Arch Museum.  I also liked writing all the facts I learned at the museums in my project WOW notebook.  I also liked learning about how Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase."


"I like learning about Thomas Jefferson.  I like the field trips to Eastern and to St. Louis.  I think Thomas Jefferson is really cool.  And I liked learning about Jefferson's home, Monticello."

EIU Facilitators

"Hello! I am a Senior at Eastern Illinois University majoring in Elementary Eductaion with a Psychology concentration.  Project WOW has been an incredible journey!  I have had so much fun working with my team members and learning many new and exciting things about The entire Lewis and Clark Expedition!"

"I am a Senior Education Major with a concentration in English at Eastern Illinois University.  I have enjoyed working on Project WOW this semester.  I enjoyed learning all about this great journey as well as learning about all of the students.  Project WOW was a great experience."

"I am a Senior Elementary Education Major at EIU. This is my last semester at Eastern before I student teach in the spring. I have enjoyed Project WOW because I like working with the kids, and I learned a lot of new information about Lewis and Clark and their expedition."

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