Top Ten Facts About the Nez Perce

1.  The Nez Perce ate Camas Root and flat bread

2.  The Nez Perce built "Burnout" canoes, made out of one big log

3.  The Nez Perce had Appaloosa horses

4.  The Nez Perce helped Lewis and Clark on their journey west

5.  The Nez Perce lived in Idaho, near the Bitterroot Mountains

6.  A male Appaloosa horse is called a stallion

7.  The Nez Perce live in Teepees in the summer and winter dwellings in the winter

8.  The Nez Perce bathed in sweat huts

9.  The Nez Perce made their clothing out of animal skin and decorated them with beads

10.  The Nez Perce made tools made out of bone

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Top Ten Facts