Meet the teachers....
All three of the teachers will be studying abroad in the Bahamas this summer.

Top to bottom: Miss Loddeke, Miss Dubina, Miss Fandl


Miss Dubina
1. My favorite color is blue.
2. My favorite sport is baseball.
3. My favorite subject is math.
4. My favorite childhood character is Mickey Mouse.
5. My favorite Disney movie is Little Mermaid.

Miss Fandl
1. My favorite sport is baseball.
2. My favorite food is chicken.
3. My favorite color is pink.
4. My favorite subject is math.
5. I was born in Costa Rica.

Miss Loddeke
1. My favorite hobby is music theater.
2. My favorite color is blue.
3. My favorite food is Chinese.
4. My favorite animal is my dog chase.
5. I LOVE to sing.
