Links to Learn More

The History Place
*This site provided us with a detailed time line of Abraham Lincoln's life.  The History Place was our group's favorite website for Lincoln information.

Lincoln's Illinois Years
*On this site our group found information about Abraham Lincoln and the state of Illinois.  It provides a description of Illinois history and how Abraham Lincoln was involved.

Congress for Kids
*"I think they made this website just for our team!" - Emma
Our team really enjoyed looking for informatoin on this website about the original 13 colonies.

Colonial Williamsburg
*This website was great for our team because we studied different colonial jobs.  On this website our team could see pictures of people re-enacting different jobs from the colonial period.

Kid's Zone
*"How do I get to that website!" - Cheyenne
All of our groups members enjoyed visiting this website because it contained several fun educational games that dealt with the colonial period.

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