#include #include /* for atof() */ #define MAXOP 100 /* max size of operand or operator */ #define NUMBER '0' /* signal that a number was found */ int getop(char []); void push(double); double pop(void); /* reverse Polish calculator */ main() { int type; double op2; char s[MAXOP]; while ((type = getop(s)) != EOF) { switch (type) { case NUMBER: push(atof(s)); break; case '+': push(pop() + pop()); break; case '*': push(pop() * pop()); break; case '-': op2 = pop(); push(pop() - op2); break; case '/': op2 = pop(); if (op2 != 0.0) push(pop() / op2); else printf("error: zero divisor\n"); break; case '\n': printf("\t%.8g\n", pop()); break; default: printf("error: unknown command %s\n", s); break; } } return 0; }