
1. Tisha B'av is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem. These temples represented great centers for the Jewish community, just as the AMIA symbolized a great community center for the Jews of Argentina. On this day observant Jews fast in order to remember the destruction of the two temples in c586bce and 70ce respectively. While it is known that Nazi leaders ordered attacks on Jews during their holidays, it is unknown whether this date played a role in the as yet unsolved AMIA bombing.

2. A reference to the 30,000 people who were disappeared during the "dirty war" of 1976-1983 and the unsolved bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires on March 17, 1992.

3. Plaza de los Dos Congresos is a large plaza between the two houses of Congress in Buenos Aires.

4. The Kaddish is a central Jewish prayer, one version of which is recited in memory of those who have died. The recitation of this prayer at a mass protest attended by representatives of all parts of Argentine society was noted in an essay by Colonel Horatio Ballester entitiled El Terrorismo Ilegó para quedarse. This essay also lists the errors and misinterpretations which plagued the aftermath of the AMIA bombing.

5. Los Docentes (The Teachers) is an organized body that demands better working conditions and more support for education. Los Docentes have installed a large white tent "La Carpa Blanca" in front of the congressional buildings. They have also fasted to bring attention to their cause.

6. This interview was conducted and translated by the author.

7. A new AMIA building has been constructed in the old location (completed in 1999). Throughout the past few years, demonstrations have taken place in front of this construction site.

8. Low and Altman. Place Attachment. New York: Plenum Press, 1992.

9. See Gilles' "Public Memory in an American City" in John Bodnar's Commemorations (1976).