"We have taken to the moon the wealth of this nation, the vision of its political leaders,
the intelligence of its scientists, the dedication of its engineers, the careful craftsmanship
of its workers and the enthusiastic support of its people. "We have brought back
rocks, and I think its a fair trade. For just as the Rosetta Stone revealed the language of
ancient Egypt, so may these rocks unlock the mystery of the origin of the moon and
indeed, even of our Earth and solar system."
Michael Collins --
Address to a joint session of Congress --
Sept. 16, 1969
Any discussion of the benefits of the Apollo program must be considered a progress
report to be continued in the 21st century. That is true because the fullest application of
scientific research and technological development usually takes decades to accomplish.
Nevertheless, in the 16 1/2 years ( in 1996 it will be 24 years since the last mission to the moon ) since American astronauts last walked on the Moon,
Apollo's legacy already has been profound. That legacy includes both tangible and
intangible benefits for the United States and for all mankind.
Some of the major areas of benefits are:
Environmental Consciousness
The first photos of Earth from hundreds of thousands of miles away were taken by the
crew of Apollo 8, the first humans to orbit the Moon. Those photos depicted Earth as a
bright blue and white ball floating in a sea of darkness. They reminded people the
world over of the fragility of planet Earth and of the need to preserve and protect its
The "within the decade" goal of Apollo forced the advance of technology at a more rapid
rate than normal, some estimate at twice the normal rate. The new level of technological
capability resulted in a vast library of technological knowledge and know- how, and
rapid advances in electronic miniaturization,advanced computers, remote sensing and
other technologies. The visible spin-offs of Apollo technology already have already
found application in literally thousands of products, processes and devices. Indeed, new
technology arising from the space program has helped the United States maintain a lead
in the world market for aeronautic, computer, medical, electronic and other products.
The Apollo program increased our knowledge of the moon beyond expectation. We now
know the moon's age, its gross structure, its internal temperature and a good bit about its
composition. Apollo provided new knowledge and techniques for study of both Earth and
the sun. It produced a rich harvest of knowledge in geology, astronomy, physics, biology
and other scientific fields and has taught us much about the evolution of our own planet
Apollo was a response to the Soviet challenge. The success
of Apollo was viewed
worldwide as the success of a democratic free enterprise system over that of a society
with a centrally directed economic system and a tightly controlled population. It also
demonstrated the inherent superiority of American technology. Thus, Apollo contributed
significantly to restoring American confidence and willingness to accept difficult
Apollo continues to contribute greatly to international cooperation and understanding.
The samples and data returned from the moon have been shared with many nations and
are still being studied by scientists around the world. The Apollo 11
landing on the
moon had a tremendous psychological impact on humanity. It is estimated that billions
of people watched by satellite-relayed television. This shared experienced, if only for a
relatively brief moment in time, provoked a feeling of "oneness" of the human race and is
a unique achievement of the Apollo program. In addition, people in emerging countries,
where forms of government were evolving, saw the American model of government in a
different light - one that could send people to the moon while simultaneously providing a
good life for its
ordinary citizens.
Econometric studies estimate that Apollo returned five to seven dollars to the United
States' economy for every dollar invested in it. These returns came in the form of new
industries, new products, new processes and new jobs.
Apollo did more than reach for the future. It refreshed our spirits and heightened the
awareness of mankind of the human potential and of our options as a species
Leyden note:
This is a NASA document - obtained from one of their many links on the Internet.
michael collins was the 'third wheel' on the Apollo 11 flight. Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon -- and collins was "the other guy" who orbited the moon in the NASA taxi -- and picked up his colleagues for the return flight home.
Increased Technological Capability for the United States
Scientific Benefits
National Self Confidence
International Relations
Economic Benefits
For the United States, Apollo provided renewed confidence that given the resolve,
resources and commitment of a free people the United States can lead mankind in the
great human adventure of space exploration.
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