what's wrong with this picture ?

john b. beaver & bruce d. cheney -- s&c -- jan 1989 -- pp28-29

Leyden note:

the authors cite dr. leyden's article - the strange silo - that is also in this folder.

I decided not to type this article because you have to see the fotos -- so it is in S&C Jan 1989 (p28) -- if you want it for your Xerox File -- Or it is in the DE notebook at the reserve desk


the picture in question shows two plastic bottles of equal volume filled with water. One is cylindrical and the other has an elliptical (like an elmer's glue bottle) cross section.

When the cylindrical one is squeezed, it spills over.

When the elliptical one is squeezed against it's thin sides, it overflows.

But when the elliptical bottle is squeezed on the narrow sides, it does not overflow -- because it now becomes more cylindrical - increasing is capacity. .

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