This is a book by Dr. Leyden and some buddies from
  • Indiana - dr. charles barman
  • Wisconsin - dr. john j. rusch
  • Alaska - dr. virginia johnson.

    Virginia could have written the entire thing herself -- but we pushed for author gender equity and she let us number the pages and make the index.

    TEACHING SCIENCE GRADES 5-9 Silver Burdett Publishers 1978
    CHAPTER 7: did'ja ever wonder ?

    The Challenge

    In addition to controlling all bodily functions, the brain also has the ability to think, to ponder the unknown-and to wonder.

    The study of science is based firmly on this human ability to think and to wonder.

    Much of your time with students will be spent in promoting thinking and instilling a sense of wonder.

    When you consider that children spend less than two percent of their middle school years in science classes, the difficulty of the task looms large. Caught between the science knowledge that has been amassed in all history and the concrete operational thinking of most of your students, what can you do to make them wonder about their natural environment ? A teacher's goal for any lesson should be to plant the seeds of curiosity that will grow during the ninety-eight percent of the time when the child is not in science class. This sounds ironic, but we must accept the fact that there is a greater chance for children to think about science when they are not in school but on vacation, at home walking through stores or mowing lawns than when they are sitting in your class. In the following pages we will discuss ways that seem to "turn on" the brain. When such methods are used with a process approach to seeking solutions to concrete problems, we believe your students will find many things to wonder about, in and out of science class.

    For the sake of convenience, this chapter will focus on thinking as an analytical process. This process is a function of the left cerebral hemisphere. In Chapter 6 we considered the attitudes of students, and in Chapter 11 we will focus on creativity. Attitudes and creativity are functions of the right cerebral hemisphere, as analysis is of the left. However, it should be noted that it may be foolish to categorize thinking in this manner because the corpus callosum is constantly exchanging millions of bits of data between the two hemispheres of the brain as they "talk to each other." In the real world you may very well begin to work out a problem in the analytical, left-hemisphere mode, but you soon become involved with creative wonder, involving the right hemisphere. The cerebral hemispheres, chapters apart in this text, are only a nerve impulse away from each other in actuality.

    Attention Please-May I Have Your Attention?

    Have you ever thought about thinking? When do you think and when aren't you thinking? What is it that provokes your attention and makes you wonder? What kinds of situations turn you off and make you either bored or disinterested? Are you thinking when you:

    There are probably very few moments during the day when you are not thinking. From the list above, most classroom teachers would probably say that doing a math problem or reading are the only examples that involve "real thinking." What is your feeling about this subject? What would you consider "real thinking" if you were a baseball coach? a dance instructor? Teachers, coaches, and instructors are interested in "real thinking"-the mental processing of information relative to their discipline. As you examine the breadth of the school curriculum it is apparent that there are many opportunities for children to apply their analytical abilities.


    How many times has a teacher of yours commanded: "Think!" Is it possible to simply demand the brain to turn itself on and focus its abilities on a problem? What is it that causes the brain to "wake up" and become actively involved with solving a problem? Listed below are six situations where the brain will automatically turn itself on, and you find yourself totally involved with thinking.

    Suppose You take a short cut across town but forget about some one-way streets in that area and find yourself lost You frown!

    * Thinking occurs when things don't go the way you may expect. ( discrepant events )

    You become involved with the operation of a simple toy. You can't figure out how it works. You're curious!

    * Thinking occurs when you are presented with a novel situation.

    You find two sweaters on sale. Should you buy the blue one or the green one ? You're puzzled !

    * Thinking occurs when you have a choice to make.

    You buy the green sweater and after comparing ii to the rest of your wardrobe, realize the blue one would have matched more outfits. You wonder!

    * Thinking occurs when you are in doubt.

    In each of these situations you are beset with a mental tension that aroused the brain. This tension is sometimes called conceptual conflict. Piaget refers to it as disequilibrium. Cognitive dissonance is another synonym. Are there places in your lesson plans for students to mentally stumble, become curious, make choices, and doubt conclusions? There are two other common situations where the brain turns on.

    Suppose . . . you expect that turning a screw on the carburetor he lawn mower will make the engine run properly. As you begin it the engine skips less. You smile!

    * Thinking occurs when things do go the way you expect.

    you are standing at a party listening to several nearby people talk. Someone mentions Elaine, a friend you haven't seen in several months. You're excited! You turn off all other conversations and listen to the one that has grabbed your interest.

    * Thinking occurs when the emotions have been aroused.

    Are there places in the science curriculum where students can experience success and become involved with topics that are emotionally charged?

    The six situations above have the potential to accelerate student investigation and illustrate that it is possible to turn on the brain. In lesson planning you can design setting that will enhance student interest and participation.

    Since it is possible to turn on the brain, is it also possible to turn it off ?

    We can think of three common situations where the brain is mere than likely to shut down.


    Ironically, one of the ways to turn off the brain involves the use of conceptual conflicts. A few paragraphs ago we noted that such settings can turn on the brain, but only if students have been successful in resolving small amounts of conflict with similar problems. Such a back ground will have provided them with a reservoir of confidence they can tap regarding the new question. However, the insecure student may look at the difference between the expected answer and the real result and sigh:

    "I'm wrong again. I don't like science because my experiment never works."

    Even a simple disagreement over the interpretation of an experimental result may cause the student to close his or her notebook, and retreat in silence, thinking "I must be dumb," and refusing to participate.


    Have you ever decided to clean the garage, but after inspecting the area, decide to take a nap? Have you ever committed yourself to a night of study for a big test, but once you scanned the material and noticed how overwhelmingly difficult it seems, decided to do other tasks that were long overdue? These are classic examples of flight behavior. Despite your good intentions of cleaning or studying, you gave up before you started. The tasks were so large that you didn't know where to begin. Was your brain stimulated? Yes, but it was so over-stimulated that it shut down, and the outward behavior may have been physical. You find yourself very tired: "I'll clean the garage after I take a nap." You might even get sick: "I was so nervous about the test that I got nauseous."


    The more popular term for this condition is boredom. Whenever a behavior is repeated to the extent that it is habitual, the brain shuts down. Shouting for students to "Sit down, shut up, and take out a sheet of paper," will grab their attention and they will respond for a while, but if you choose to begin class every day with that command, the students will suddenly "go deaf" and not even hear you. Closely allied with the repetition of behavior is the familiarity of the subject matter. When you announce to your seventh graders that the next unit will be a study of magnets, they greet you with a moan, "Not magnets again!" The topic of magnets seems to be studied over and over again in the elementary-middle school years. The familiar is usually not a great motivator. Perhaps the key to interest is making the familiar seem strange. (See Chapter 11.) By having the children dissect an electric motor, many of them will be surprised to find magnets. What's a familiar item like a magnet doing in a strange place like a motor? The brain suddenly turns on again.

    There is a thin line between the actions that turn the brain on and off.

    With 125 students per day in your classes it will be difficult to provide activities that will activate each of them to a high level of thought. What turns one child on may turn another one off. However, the concept of the brain "switch" reinforces the idea that teachers should give children many opportunities to express themselves. Each time a child speaks, the teacher will gain information regarding that personality. As you come to know your students it will be easier to provide activities that result in positive brain reactions.


    At the base of the brain where it connects to the spinal chord is a region known as the reticular formation. The reticular formation acts as a newspaper editor. Editors make decisions regarding which stories get big headlines, page one treatment, and which items wind up buried with the ads on page sixteen. The reticular formation filters through thousands of messages each second and decides which ones will get page one treatment-that is, arouse the brain. The largest portion of the brain is the cerebrum and its covering, the cerebral neocortex. This is the center for cognition or thought. Deep within the central portion of the brain are the limbic and hypothalamic subsystems that are triggered by emotions. When a signal gets through the "editor" ( reticular formation ) and arrives at the cerebral neocortex; the brain turns on. An evaluation of the information is made by the neocortex and it fires a signal back to the reticular formation. Should this and similar messages be allowed to pass, or should they be deleted by the editor ? Some unknown process determines this. Even though the neocortex is the center for high level thought, it is unresponsive unless the reticular formation sends a signal to begin the data processing.

    Some of the conditions that potentially awaken the brain were described earlier, and many of them naturally occur in science class when the children are manipulating materials, not just words. Activity-oriented science seems to stimulate student interest, assist in the physical maturation of the corpus callosum, and promote the development of logical thought. These are some of the advantages now cited for using this teaching style, but the initial reason for moving away from textbook dominated curricula centered on something that happened in Europe over twenty years ago.

    Attention Please -Time for Change

    It was a Friday afternoon when the Russians launched a sixty kilogram satellite into earth orbit. The small metallic satellite was called Sputnik, and the date was October 4, 1957 - a day that dramatically altered science education in American schools. By Monday morning, critics of our educational system saw the Russian success as the result of an American failure-an inability of our teachers to train children in the fields of mathematics and science. Although this was a gross oversimplification, it did serve to focus public attention on the mathematics and science curricula of our schools.