A Timeline of Mahatma Gandhi's Life

1869- Mohandas Gandhi was born in Porbandor, India

1883- Gandhi was married to Kasturbai at the age of 13

1891- Gandhi went to England to study to become a lawyer

1893- Gandhi moved to South Africa to be a lawyer there

1906- Gandhi began Satyagraha, which means nonviolent resistance

1908- Gandhi was put into jail for the first time, for forming satyagraha

1914- Gandhi returned to India from South Africa

1932- One of the many times that Gandhi fasted, this time was for the "untouchables"

1942- Kasturbai passed away

1944- Gandhi was released from jail for the last time, in his life he spent 2338 days in jail in non-violent resistance for the freedom of the people of India from British rule.

1948- Gandhi was assasinated by Nathuram Godse

1960's -- Gandhi is the hero of Martin Luther King Jr. as he uses non-violence to gain rights and justice for African Americans.