I am like John James Audubon because. . .

Amara:  "I like birds because they fly and we can see them and they eat worms. 
              They sing songs in the morning.  I am most like John James Audubon
              because I like to paint, watch birds, and watch them from my window."

Anna:  "Birds are so beautiful that they fill me with joy.  I also want to say that
             birds are so much fun!  I really like birds because they sometimes are in my
             yard.  I think I am like John James Audubon because I also like to paint
             birds and sometimes they are by my mom and dad's window."

Megan:   "I am most like John James Audubon because I like birds and I like drawing
                animals too.  I want to be a wildlife photographer when I grow up and open
                an animal hospital.  I like to be outdoors."

Zack:  "I am most like John James Audubon because I like to paint and draw birds.  I                 like to be outdoors.  I like to catch birds and draw them."
                                                                           Preston:  "I am like John James Audubon because I like to go out in the wild to look at
                birds.  I like hunting.  My favorite bird is the Northern Bobwhite."                                                                      
Stevie:  "I am like John James Audubon because I like to look at
them.  I also like to                   draw pictures of them at my house.  My favorite bird is the Bald Eagle."