Our Mini-Field Trip
The team on our field trip
Back Row: Dr. Nganga, Miss Cory, Miss Reis, Miss Dudley, Miss Travers
Front Row: Alicia, Elle, Kayla, Belle

For our mini-field trip we met a professor from Eastern Illinois University. She was born in Kenya and is a member of the same tribe as Wangari Maathai. Dr. Nganga taught us a lot about Wangari Maathai and about Kenya, Africa.

Dr. Nganga
Dr. Nganga teaching us about foods in Kenya.
What we learned:
Foods commonly used in Kenya:
1. Ugali-
    corn flour

    green veggies
2. Chapati-
    wheat flour

    beef stew
    green veggies
3. Githeri-

4. Fruits-

    pineapple (Del Monte brand comes from Africa)
    passion fruit

Typically in Kenya they eat 3 meals a day and also take tea in-between these meals.
    -10 o'clock tea
    -4 o'clock tea

Guests are of high value to Kenyans and typically they will make more expensive dishes when guests are coming.

Dr. Nganga showed us a power point presentation and you can look at it too, by clicking here (must be viewed in Internet Explorer).

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