Mini-Fieldtrips to Eastern Illinois University
For the first fieldtrip to Eastern Illinois University, Team Barton spent most of the day looking up websites to add to our own team website.  The students did a great job following directions in the computer lab and were very good about taking turns being the “driver,” or controlling the mouse.  We also spent time working on our concept map for the team website!

Students hard at work researching websites for "click to learn more" link on our website!

Our team creating our concept map in the ITC at Eastern Illinois University

During the second fieldtrip Team Barton created a podcast as well as attended a mini field trip to learn about quilts.  The students started in the computer lab where they help write a script and then recorded their voices.  They were very excited about being able to hear their own voices on the computer.  After the podcasting was complete we went down the hall to our quilting mini fieldtrip.  The students learned about different types of quilt patterns, what some of them represented, and how significant they were on the Underground Railroad.

Tim helping out with the making of our team podcast!


Team Barton learning about quilts!

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