About Our Team

Team Leaders:
Lisa Berger, Mallory Devens, and Michelle Jacobitz

Lisa Berger
I am a senior at Eastern Illinois University and my major is Elementary Education with a mathematics concentration.
Throughout this semester I have spent a lot of time with our team during Project WOW and it has been a great experience!
I have a part-time job working as a waitress in my home town and I enjoy spending time with my family; especially my little brother and sister! They are always a handful and a bundle of joy.
I am greatly appreciative of my instructors at Eastern for they have given me many ideas and opportunities to succeed.

Mallory Devens
I am a senior Elementary Education major with a concentration in English and a Middle Level Endorsement at Eastern Illinois University.
I have enjoyed Project WOW and working with my team leaders.
The students learned so much; it was very fun!
I enjoy running and soccer. I am a huge White Sox fan.
Teaching is a passion of mine and I can not wait to have a classroom of my own.

Michelle Jacobitz
I am a senior at Eastern Illinois University and will be graduating this semmester.  I am an Elementarty Education major with a concentration in English.
Project WOW has been a great experience and I have learned so much.  The students were amazing to work with.
In my free time, I love to swim and run.
I am looking forward to have my own classroom in the near future.

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