Lessons Taught
Lesson One:

What is the story behind Hawaii and the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park?

Objective:  Third grade social studies students will demonstrate their knowledge of Hawii and the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park by creatively making a book about Hawaii and the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park including facts learned from the lesson.

Goal:  The goal of this lesson is for students to learn and appreciate the history of Hawaii as well as the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. The students will understand and recall new information about the park and the state in general. 

Lesson Two:

What is the history of the people of Hawaii and how did it change when Europeans discovered the Islands?

·         Objective: Third grade social studies students will demonstrate their knowledge of Hawaii and the history of Hawaii’s people by creating their own newspaper article, pretending to be in Hawaii in the past, about something that would have made the news. The students will be provided with examples of newspaper articles in Hawaii today and a worksheet to create their own.

·         Goals: The goal of this lesson is for the students to understand that there were native people living in Hawaii before Europeans came. Students will learn about the native people of Hawaii as well as the changes brought by the Europeans.

Lesson Three:

What are the differences of the volcanoes on the Big Island of Hawaii?

Objective: Third grade social studies students will demonstrate their knowledge of volcanoes on the Big Island of Hawaii by sucessfully completing a pre-made worksheet provided to them.

Goal:  The goal of this lesson is for students to distinguish between dormant and active volcanoes, the various volcanoes located on the Big Island, and be able to discuss the different characteristics of volcanoes.


Lesson Four:

What are the native plants and animals of Hawaii and why are so many of them endangered?

·         Objective: Third grade social studies students will demonstrate their knowledge of Hawaii’s native endangered species by each highlighting important information about two of Hawaii’s native endangered species. Students will also demonstrate their knowledge of endangered plant species by playing a memory card game with pictures and facts about various endangered plant species.

·         Goals: The goal of this lesson is for the students to learn about endangered species in Hawaii. There are over 316 endangered plant and animal species in Hawaii today. Students will know why species are endangered and what they can do to help eliminate the number of endangered species in Hawaii and Illinois as well.

Lesson Five:

W Why are resources and climate important to people/land?

Objective: Third grade social studies students will demonstrate their knowledge of Hawaii's resources and climate by correclty completing an online quiz and a pre-made worksheet. 

Goal: The goal of this lesson is for students to talk about the resources used in the state of Hawaii and to learn how the climate affects those resources.  The students will know that there are three primary sources for individuals to use in Hawaii: shore, mountain, and valley.



Lesson 6:

How is Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Conserved and What Activities Are Offered There?

·         Objective: Third grade students will demonstrate their knowledge of conservation of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park by pretending they are a park ranger and make important decisions for the well being of the park. Students will also demonstrate their knowledge of activities offered at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park by creating a brochure advertising the park.

·         Goals: The goal of this lesson is for the students to learn about how Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, or any park, is kept beautiful, fun, and safe for visitors. The students will also have an opportunity to learn about all the different activities that are offered at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Such activities include lava viewing, camping, hiking, or viewing historic sites. With an understanding of this, students will understand the importance of the upkeep of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.



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