Animals Along The Journey

 The Indians respected them and only killed what they needed.
 Could be hunted by driving them off a cliff to save arrows and spears.
 The Indians used all the parts of the buffalo and did not waste them.
  Could use the horns as medicine
  Could use buckskins as covers
  Could use hooves as glue
  Could use teeth, brain, hair, bones, skull, muscles, blood, bladder, stomach    contents and lining, liver, tail, and fat

  Could hold five gallons in their mouths
  L+C saw a lot of them – they looked like white clouds

  L+C were amazed at their sharp teeth and big floppy tails

 Foxes  There were red foxes and gray foxes

  The coyotes were too fast to catch
L+C could never even get close enough to catch them

  Two kinds – Mountain goats and “regular” goats

                                   Pelicans                                                         Bear

                                  Coyote                                                      Prairie Dogs

                                   Buffalo                                                               Goat

                                 Beaver                                                              Badger