Meet the EIU Teachers

Hi, my name is Amy and I am a senior elementary education major at EIU.  I will be student teaching in the fall of 2002.  I have really enjoyed Project WOW and learned a lot of interesting information.  I really enjoyed working with Alex, Ashley, Hannah, Iesha, John, and Katie.  You guys did a great job!!  Without you the project would not have been a success!!

Hi, my name is Jeni and I am a senior at EIU.  I am an elementary/special education major and still have one more year to complete before I begin my career as a teacher.  I have extremely enjoyed my time spent with all six of the Eagle team members.  You all have worked hard and have done an wonderful job.  Keep up the excellent work!!

Hi, my name is Brooke and I am a senior at EIU.  Even though I didn't get to teach a lot with you I still enjoyed the time I got to spend.  You guys were wonderful to me and I really enjoyed Project WOW.  Thanks for all the memories!  Good luck in the future!  You guys are awesome!