The Mandan and Hidatsa Team
Sarah   Jordan   Sierra   Ashley   Cameron   Nik

EIU Facilitators

This past semester, working with Project WOW has really opened up my eyes to the types of projects that are possible when working with different subjects.  To complete such a major project takes a lot of time and effort and I am privileged to say that I was part of that completion process.  As a teacher, it really helped me to see that it is possible to get children interested in projects that are related to Lewis and Clark even if this subject doesn’t particularly interest all of them.  This project really took off when we all learned about each other’s interests and hobbies and we created a relationship between them to the point where the children were calling us by our first names.  That was pretty neat in my opinion, since I personally had never experienced that in such magnitude.  My team was great and by working together both the teachers and the children were able to create a memorable experience for everyone on our team about our Lewis and Clark experience.
I believe that I could be a very good explorer.  My sense of adventure is definitely there and I would love to be able to travel to far off places that are unexplored and take an account of my travels to show other people.  To be an explorer, a person must be brave, determined, and willing to put everything on the line for the benefit of possibly making life better for people in the future, much like a teacher.  Also, as an explorer, I would need to assemble a team to accompany me, much like Lewis and Clark had.  Everyone has different skills, and when those skills are all put together, a great advancement can be made.  Explorers are teachers in their own right by teaching others their findings, and since I have a love for teaching, I think I would make an excellent explorer.

Hi!  My name is Rachel.  I am a senior at Eastern Illinois University.  My dream has always been to become a teacher.  I have two younger brothers.  I love working with kids.  Watching them grow through learning is one the best parts about being a teacher.  I cannot wait to have my own classroom.  In our WOW group, I liked making pictures of North Dakota wildlife and going on the field trip to the St. Louis Arch and to Cahokia Mounds.  I really enjoyed the whole WOW experience.  I learned a lot from the students and from the different activities.  I sure hope the students learned something from me and had fun too!  I would be a great explorer because I am hardworking, friendly, honest, and responsible.  I love the outdoors too!  I would be a good leader because I am flexible and take charge.

Hello! My name is Stephanie and I am a student at Eastern Illinois University.  This semester I had the chance to be part of a program called Project WOW.  I was a little unsure about this opportunity since last semester I was part of Project Extra.  Both of these experiences have been wonderful and I am really looking forward to getting out in the world and helping children learn.
I did not have what most people would call a wonderful childhood.  My parents were divorced when I was young.  Since I did not like to be at home I had to find other places that made me feel happy.  School was one of those places.  I have liked school ever since I can remember.  Most of my teachers were very understanding and very supportive.  When I finished High School I knew I wanted to be a teacher to help other students the way my teacher helped me.  This is why I decided to become a teacher.

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